

Helios was born out of the indignation at the pollution generated by our money, and the urgency to act to protect the planet in the face of global warming. Cognisant of the fact that our money represents our largest source of CO2 emissions, ahead of transport, heating and food, Helios set itself to ‘clean up the banking system’. Unlike traditional banks using the money entrusted to them to finance polluting industries, Helios chooses to only finance projects geared towards the ecological transition, supporting companies finding solutions to environmental challenges and excluding from their investment portfolio all activities posing a risk for the planet ie. the coal, oil, the shale gas, industrial breeding, agricultural monoculture, chemical pesticides, armament etc. All the projects financed are published on their website.


Account Features

  • Current Account
  • Online Banking
  • Savings Account

Rates and fees are variable and often change. For the most up to date information, visit the institution’s website.