

Credal is an ethical finance cooperative committed to building an inclusive and sustainable society, where money is used for the common good. Credal was born out an anti-apartheid citizen movement in the 1980s. In 1984, it became the first alternative and professional financial organisation in French-speaking Belgium: the Crédal cooperative.

The amounts placed with Crédal are reinvested to finance their clients: associations, social entrepreneurs, agricultural cooperatives, associations helping homeless people or promoting access to housing, people in financial difficulty who need assistance, socio-professional integration centres, and many other activities undertaken. Credal also offers support and training services: coaching and training to launch your independent business, or improve the skills of workers in social economy structures. A few key figures (in 2022): 4,501 active customers, 56 million euros in outstanding credit and 2,818 full-time equivalents financed.


Account Features

  • Small Business Lending
  • Investment Opportunities


  • Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks (FEBEA) More information

Rates and fees are variable and often change. For the most up to date information, visit the institution’s website.